The Earth Element… in a Word.
Nature brings us into the Late Summer Season and the Earth Element. A key concept that it has to teach us is about nourishment. Yummy...

Everything Always Changing…
As the leaves change and fall, I’m reminded of one of the Buddha’s core teachings – ALL things from moment to moment are impermanent,...

Meridians that govern energy of Autumn (Metal) in our bodies are Lung and Colon. Physiologically, the Lungs are in charge of receiving...
Chew Your Food!
With this time of year being about nourishment, one of the simplest things we can do is CHEW. Many traditions teach the benefits of...
One of the aspects of the Spleen meridian is all about “movement”. It distributes the raw Qi broken cultivated by the Stomach to every...
Earth is Sweet…
The energetic taste of Earth is “sweet”. And so the functions of our Spleen/Stomach meridians can be kick-started by eating a bit of...

The Late Summer…
The Late Summer – a time of harvest – gathering nourishment and sustenance, an internal storehouse, so that we can smoothly transition...

Grounding our Thoughts…
As our Stomach receives, chews, and processes food, our mind does as well… have you ever felt like you’re just chewing on the same...

Our Daily Earth Time…
Each meridian has a two-hour window of time throughout the day where our Qi is flowing the strongest through it. Our Earth meridians,...

Earth Mother…
The Earth Element represents the archetype of the Mother, offering unconditional love, attentiveness, and the ability to care-give for...

A Fifth Season…
Chinese Medicine and particularly Five Element Acupuncture recognizes a fifth season, that of the Late Summer, which we are in now…...

Being Clear with Anger…
According to the theory behind Classical Five Element Acupuncture, each of the five elements has a particular emotion related to it. The...