Spring Cleaning!
More of Nature is showing herself through the Spring season and energy of the Wood Element. Many people are experiencing major shifts in...

Spring Planning and Envisioning…
Though it may not feel like it for those of us in Seattle… the tulips, daffodils, and crocuses are telling us loud and clear that Spring...

The Spirit of Water…
Here we have the final installment on the power of the Water Element. I’ve talked about the “Will” of Water – the innate force of Nature...

The Essence of Water…
At the time of conception, there is a finite amount of this ancestral qi that gets passed down from one generation to the next… the seed...

The Will of Water…
I briefly talked about “will” as it pertains to the Water Element in a previous post, however lets now take a closer look. Of the Five...

Winter and the Water Element…
The leaves, fruits (except for a few persimmons – see previous post), flowers, all of Nature’s gifts have fallen to the ground, and found...

Conversations with a Persimmon…
Its an uncharacteristic winter here in Seattle. We generally don’t see temperatures below freezing, let alone snow (usually small...

Yin and Yang…
Jennifer Dubowsky L.Ac, a wonderfully experienced practitioner out of Chicago, does a great job of talking about the esoteric concepts of...

Zen Poetry…
This poem was written by Lindsay Davis, a kindred spirit in my life, just a few days ago. She brings the healing power of Nature and the...

In the End What Matters Most…
This is a favorite quote of mine… and sums up the energetics of the Autumn season/Metal element from a Five Element Acupuncture...

What Can You Let Go Of?
The Autumn season and Metal element in the body is governed by our Lung and Colon meridians. They have a reciprocal relationship of...

Commitment to the Path…
Photo courtesy of Taso Papadakis – http://www.tasophoto.com A personal day to share. Last Sunday at Blue Heron Zen Center in Seattle,...