One Woman’s Journey, Part II
Today’s post is a follow-up to Part 1 from December 2nd, about a patient of mine, Kari, who was facing certain challenges both physically...

One Woman’s Journey…
2 days ago I had the honor of working with a woman who shared a brief experience that really touched me. With her permission, I wanted to...

The Healing Power of Music…
I suppose many don’t know that I come from a family musicians… mainly myself, my father, and two brothers all sing and at least play one...

What Can You Let Go Of?
The Autumn season and Metal element in the body is governed by our Lung and Colon meridians. They have a reciprocal relationship of...

Receiving the Nourishment All Around Us…
As we are on the cusp of Late Summer (Earth) into Autumn (Metal), there are some really important aspects of Earth to touch on. And this...
Embracing our Healing Potential…
Though many people are familiar with my tagline and what it truly represents, I feel inspired to write about it here. “...with a gentle...